Welcome to the Sustainability Committee Page!


The New Hampshire Library Association Sustainability Committee provides resources and opportunities to NHLA members that educate and support initiatives related to sustainability in libraries.


Sustainability Book Chats

Join the Sustainability Committee virtually on the third Wednesday of the month at noon to discuss sustainability in libraries!

The first three meetings are inspired by Chapter 9, “Connecting Community through Sustainability: Seeds, Climate Action Kits, and Repair Cafés” in the ALA professional development book Libraries & Sustainability: Programs and Practices for Community Impact. Reading the chapter in advance is not required. All are invited and encouraged to participate in the discussion.

September 18: Sustainable Youth Programs

Wednesday, 12-1

This session will discuss programs and initiatives that connect library patrons with sustainable programming for youth! Programming in the youth departments feels so instrumental to what we do. We often think about the budget, staff time, developmental appropriateness, appeal, and location limitations. Thinking about environmental impact seemed to be a more seasonal approach such as Earth Day. Join Jenny Devost from the Merrimack Public Library as she shares the highs and lows of “From Trash to Treasure”, an upcycling program that she ran for Tweens and Teens as a monthly event. Attendees are encouraged to share their own ideas for programs and initiatives that engage communities in sustainability. 

View slides here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGRNlaUTaM/u1R2zuH0F9Pew7IUfjr5ow/view?utm_content=DAGRNlaUTaM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor 


October 16: Growing Communities

Wednesday, 12-1

This session will discuss engaging your community through sustainable programs. Brittany Durgin from the Moultonborough Public Library will share tips on starting a seed library and a houseplant clipping swap, and Nancy Ladd of Pillsbury Free Library in Warner will talk about hosting UNH Extension Master gardener programs on gardening and composting. Attendees are encouraged to share their own ideas for programs and initiatives that engage communities in sustainability. 

Sign up here: https://nhla38.wildapricot.org/event-5836610 or email nhlasustainability@nhlibrarians.org


November 20: Stitch and Fix

Wednesday, 12-1

In this session, Nancy Ladd of Pillsbury Free Library in Warner will share her experience organizing sewing workshops in coordination with a local 4-H Club, creating tote bags, fabric gift wrapping, and other items with donated fabric, and an Earth Day bike clinic and lamp repair event. Attendees are encouraged to share their own ideas for programs and initiatives that engage communities in sustainability. 

Sign up here: https://nhla38.wildapricot.org/event-5837714 or email nhlasustainability@nhlibrarians.org





  • Funding Through New Hampshire Community Development Finace Authority with Scott Malanksy (watch here or follow the YouTube link):


Read the latest issue of the newsletter here:

September 2024

August 2024

June 2024

March 2024

Winter 2024

September 2023

June 2023

Fall 2022

Spring 2022


For questions, contact: nhlasustainability@nhlibrarians.org

Tess Kimsey, Manchester City Library


Michelle Baker, Gale Library of Newton

Mary Cronin, Cook Memorial Library of Tamworth

Jenny Devost, Merrimack Public Library

Brittany Durgin, Moultonborough Public Library

Lucy Gatchell, Cook Memorial Library of Tamworth

Nancy Ladd, Pillsbury Free Library of Warner