CLNH Librarian of the Year

The CLNH Librarian of the Year Award is managed by the CLNH Committee.


Information on the CLNH Librarian of the Year award



CHERYL INGERSON, Children's Librarian at Elkins Public Library, Canterbury

in recognition of her excellent service to her community


Below, Mo and Rachel present Cheryl with her CLNH Librarian of the Year plaque. Congratulations!


Cheryl Ingerson receives the Librarian of the Year Awa rd from Mo Churchill and Rachel







Purpose of the Award

To honor an individual who has contributed significantly to enriching library services to youth (children and/or teens) in New Hampshire.

Examples of Significant Contributions:

  • Overcoming limitation of resources to develop outstanding library service for youth in the community.
  • Providing service to a previously unserved or underserved youth population through outreach, creative programming, technology use, or collection development.
  • Serving beyond one’s own institution and helping other libraries enrich their services to children and/or teens.
  • Promoting youth services through exemplary performance and recognition by the public served.

Criteria for the Recipient

All nominees for the CLNH Librarian of the Year Award must:

  • Be currently employed in NH as either a librarian or a library support staff member
  • Be a current CLNH member
  • NOT be a current CLNH Board member
  • NOT be a past recipient of the award

Other Award Information

Only one CLNH Librarian of the Year Award will be given each year.  If nominees fail to meet the award criteria, then no award will be presented for that year.

The CLNH Board will review the nominations and select an award winner prior to the CLNH Fall Conference, where the award winner will be announced.  The CLNH Librarian of the Year will receive one year’s free NHLA/CLNH membership.  In addition, the name of the CLNH Librarian of the Year will be engraved on a plaque, which will be housed in the library of the current CLNH Librarian of the Year.


Past Children's Librarian of the Year Recipients

2008 Cora Jo Ciampi

2009 Barb Ballou

2010 Carol Sanborn

2011 Gail Zachariah

2012 Jan Streelman

2013 Debbie Laffond

2014 Leigh Maynard

2015 Kathy Watson

2016 Lisa Kleinmann

2017 Kayla Morin

2018 Rachel Baker

2019 Heather Lindsay

2020 All the Children’s Librarians of New Hampshire


2022 Cheryl Ingerson


Nomination Procedure

Please complete the nomination form at the link found HERE. Nominations must be received by no later than May 24th.


Contact Moriah “Mo” Churchill